“Guilty Dog” Viral Video Patricia McConnell
Have you seen it, the viral video of a “guilty” dog? A yellow lab sits hunched in a corner while his owner asks if he’s the one who got into the bag of kitty treats. The dog turns his head away, squints his eyes (not in a happy way I would argue) and after considerable prompting (or pressure), looks “guilty.” Except, the “guilty” look is actually a perfect example of what is called a “submissive grin,” used to appease another higher status individual. Most biologists call this an example of “active submission,” in which an animal is attempting to increase the distance between it and another member of its social unit. (Versus “passive submission” which promotes a decrease in distance; for example, lying down and exposing the anal/genital regions.)
I know that “submission” is not a popular term at the moment, but whether you call it appeasement or submission, surely it’s clear that the dog’s expression has nothing to do with guilt.
Is Denver the dog really guilty? Dog Spies
“guilty-looking” behavior does not necessarily correspond with a dog's knowledge of a misdeed.
It’s an Owner’s Scolding That Makes a ‘Guilty’ Dog NYTimes
What Really Prompts The Dog's 'Guilty Look'? Science Daily
I know that “submission” is not a popular term at the moment, but whether you call it appeasement or submission, surely it’s clear that the dog’s expression has nothing to do with guilt.
Is Denver the dog really guilty? Dog Spies
“guilty-looking” behavior does not necessarily correspond with a dog's knowledge of a misdeed.
It’s an Owner’s Scolding That Makes a ‘Guilty’ Dog NYTimes
Scientists cannot say, yet, whether your dog is really feeling guilty about such transgressions. But they can say this: your dog’s look is related not so much to what it did, but to what you did.