Train Your Dog Month

Attention! January is National Train Your Dog Month.

The Association of Pet Dog Trainers believes it is long overdue to dedicate a month where we can bring awareness to the importance of socialization and training, and most of all, to inform the public that training your dog can be easy and fun! We selected January as the perfect month because so many dogs and puppies are adopted or purchased from breeders and brought home during the winter holidays. Our desire is to help these new pet parents start off the new year right with their newest family member.

The APDT is planning a variety of events in January 2011 to celebrate National Train Your Dog Month. We want dog owners to see how simple and fun training can be, and how patience, consistency and a deeper understanding of a dog’s behavior can lead to happier, healthier and harmonious households. It's our goal to promote using training methods that are kind, gentle and have an emphasis on building a relationship with your dog.